Meet Dr. Leo Tokarczyk - Springfield, MO

Dr. Leo Tokarczyk

Dr. Leo Tokarczyk

Periodontist Springfield MO And Surrounding Areas

Dr. Leo Tokarczyk is dedicated to providing excellent periodontal care to area residents and has been doing so for over thirty years. Offering the most current treatment options to his patients, he focuses on periodontics, implants and periodontal plastic surgery that help patients achieve a healthier mouth. His undergraduate dental degree at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, and post graduate residency at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and the Veterans Administration Hospital at Leavenworth, Kansas allowed him to develop great expertise in periodontal treatment.

He lectures yearly to dental study groups bringing the latest advances in implant and periodontal procedures to area dentists and hygienists. Dental hygiene students at The Ozarks Technical College also have Dr. Tokarczyk as guest lecturer in periodontics.

He is an active member of The American Dental Association, Missouri Dental Association, Greater Springfield Dental Society, and the American Academy of Periodontics.

Dr. Tokarczyk is on the medical staff of both Mercy and Cox Hospitals, and serves on the IV Sedation Committee for the Missouri Dental Board as a State Examiner.


Dr. Tokarczyk is an active member of The American Dental Association, Missouri Dental Association, Greater Springfield Dental Society, and the American Academy of Periodontics.

Dr. Tokarczyk is on the medical staff of both Mercy and Cox Hospitals, and serves on the IV Sedation Committee for the Missouri Dental Board as a State Examiner.

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